Black and yellow Mud Dauber, Sceliphron caementarium
Filename: BYMD_028170_Rolfnp_Black and yellow Mud Dauber.jpg
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
adult, adults, animal, animals, fauna, wildlife, backyard, backyards, behaviour, behavior, behaviors, black, Black and yellow Mud Dauber, Black-and-yellow Mud Dauber, carrying, carry, central, close-up, collecting, concept, concepts, delicate, dirt, tender, full body, grassland, grasslands, plains, Length, summer, time, Ups, closeup, closeups, view, color, colorful, Colourful, day, daytime, group, groups, vivid, horizontal, image, insect, Insecta, bug, bugs, comal, comal county, insects, macros, detail, details, females, female, five, hill country, interesting, different, invertebrates, invertebrate, macro, multiple, lot, lots, many, natural world, nature, nesting, nests, nest, north america, american, mud, Mud Dauber, Mud Daubers, muds, numerous, several, nobody, one, outdoors, outdoor, Sceliphron caementarium, single, photo, portraits, portrait, puddle, Sceliphron, small group, solitary, southern, south, texas, southwestern, texan, usa, United States, america, sphecid, wasps, Hymenoptera, wasp, wet, wild, yellow