Barred Owl, Strix varia

Barred Owl (Strix varia), adult landing on log in pond, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, USA
Filename: BAOW_022385.jpg
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
action, animals, animal, Barred Owl, fauna, wildlife, Movement, motion, moving, adult, adults, autumn, backyard, backyards, behaviour, behavior, behaviors, birds, Aves, bird, birds of prey, bird of prey, raptor, raptors, branch, Branches, Fall, black, blue, brown, color, concept, concepts, day, daytime, eule, eyes, eye, fall colors, fallen, felled, females, female, flying, Flight, flies, fly, foliage, freshwater, freshwaters, full body, Full Length, gardens, garden, hamrick, Length, horizontal, image, landscapes, landscape, scenery, scenic, scenics, males, male, night, dark, landing, meadow, field, fields, log, logs, meadows, natural world, nature, north america, american, pastures, nights, nobody, North Carolina, one, outdoors, outdoor, perching, Perched, ponds, Lakes, lake, Natural, One Animal, owls, owl, pond, reserves, preserves, reserve, single, photo, portraits, portrait, reflections, mirrored, Raleigh, reflection, rivers, southeast, southeastern, Southern United States, Streams, river, stream, seasons, season, seasonal, skies, Sky, stop action, high speed, swamps, Marshes, marsh, swamp, trees, tree, usa, United States, america, Strix varia, vertebrates, vertebrate, vertical, Wake County, water, waters, wetlands, wetland, wild, wings, wing, wings spread, winter, woodlands, Forest, Woods, forests, woodland