Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Glaucidium brasilianum

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Glaucidium brasilianum, adult eating on lizard, Willacy County, Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA
Filename: FEPO_001528.jpg
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA, www.rolfnp.com, Tel. 210 643 4800
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA, www.rolfnp.com, Tel. 210 643 4800
adult, adults, animals, animal, fauna, wildlife, backyard, backyards, behaviour, behavior, behaviors, birds, Aves, bird, birds of prey, bird of prey, raptor, raptors, blue, branch, Branches, brown, color, concept, concepts, day, daytime, deserts, desert, eating, eat, eats, feeding, feeds, females, female, Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Front view, full body, Full Length, Glaucidium, Glaucidium brasilianum, grassland, grasslands, lizard, Natural, natural world, One Animal, outdoors, outdoor, plains, Length, image, males, male, meadow, field, fields, meadows, nature, pastures, nobody, north america, american, owls, owl, perching, Perched, photo, portraits, portrait, predation, Predator, prey, catch, catching, kill, preying, Pygmy Owl, rio grande valley, rgv, Single, south, texas, southern, Southern United States, southwestern, texan, vertical, woodlands, Forest, Woods, forests, usa, United States, america, vertebrates, vertebrate, wild, woodland