Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Picoides scalaris

Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Picoides scalaris), adult male perched on icy branch of Possum Haw Holly (Ilex decidua) with berries, Hill Country, Texas, USA
Filename: LBWO_042909_Rolfnp_Ladder-backed Woodpecker.jpg
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
Copyright © Rolf Nussbaumer Photography, 2323 Bretzke Lane, New Braunfels, TX 78132, USA,, Tel. 210 643 4800
Aves, Berry, Branches, Colourful, Fall, Forest, Hollies, Holly, Ilex, Ilex decidua, Ladder backed Woodpecker, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Length, Perched, Picoides, Picoides scalaris, Possum Haw Holly, Possumhaw, United States, Woods, adult, adults, america, american, animal, animals, autumn, backyard, backyards, berries, bird, birds, branch, central, cold, coldness, color, colorful, concept, concepts, day, daytime, different, fauna, forests, freeze, freezes, freezing, frost, frozen, fruit, fruits, full body, hill country, hoar, ice, icicle, icicles, image, interesting, male, males, natural world, nature, nobody, north america, one, outdoor, outdoors, perching, photo, red, season, seasonal, seasons, single, songbird, songbirds, south, southern, southwestern, texan, texas, usa, vertebrate, vertebrates, vertical, vivid, weather, wild, wildlife, winter, woodland, woodlands, woodpecker, woodpeckers